58 Chevy Truck Rack
Had all these surfboards, and more, and having them hang out of the back end of the truck was not good...
So I decided to build a rack for the truck....
Bought some 1-1/2" square aluminum tubing, 1/8" wall, and started cuttin' and tackin' it together....
Got 'er all squared up and almost ready to go on the truck....
The truck bed pockets were slightly under 1-1/2", sliced out 1/8" toward the inside, clamped it back together, and welded it up....
Put the rack on the truck, it's light, easy for two people to lift it on and off....
Had some race car roll cage padding, put it on where the one man canoe goes on, as well as for the surfboards....
Stuck my 8' minitanker on there, it looks lost on that rack....
Used to race with a club in 6 man canoes, wanted to try a one man ocean racing canoe, there is a spec, it's called OC-1, for Ocean racing Canoe One Man. Here's mine, it's carbon fibre, 22' long, and weighs 25 lbs all rigged and ready to go. I usually go out for about two hours at a time along Maui's shoreline.
All loaded up and headed for the beach....